10 Ways Your (Mis)Perceptions of Therapy Are Holding You Back
Are you getting the most out of your therapy sessions? An important component of effective therapy is understanding how therapy is supposed to work….
Are you getting the most out of your therapy sessions? An important component of effective therapy is understanding how therapy is supposed to work….
One of the first steps to overcome burnout is first noticing that one has it. Many times, we are so busy with the details of life that we do not have time to notice when we might be suffering from burnout.
According to Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk, trauma literally reshapes both body and brain, compromising sufferers’ capacities for pleasure, engagement, self-control, and trust.
Do people really change? This is a question that often plagues people when considering counseling. Is it even worth trying? What does it take to change a mindset, a habit or behavior?
Instead of giving in to the storm inside, you can learn to equip yourself with the strategy of R.A.I.N. This strategy enables us to apply mindfulness in a self-compassionate way.
Children who experience repeated insults, shame, or humiliation start to believe what they are told about themselves. More so, the mind and body start to try and cope with the trauma by disconnecting from the experience and body, which can lead to chronic psychological, physiological, and emotional issues and difficulties. These difficulties can impair a person’s overall functioning in childhood and adulthood.
Being on the front line in times of crisis can be difficult and draining. For those in helping fields, these kinds of crises can…
This month, Fuller Life connected with first year pre-med students at Prairie View A&M University to discuss how to avoid burn out by working…
It can be confusing know what healthy food choices are when we often hear conflicting messages. With mindful eating, we can practice listening to our bodies and make choices for ourselves that promote our health and well-being.
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