Our Clinical Outcomes

We use Feedback Informed Treatment to ensure the highest quality of care. Our clients routinely complete measures about their presenting concerns, therapeutic relationship, and mental or relational health.

Clinical outcomes of Couples Therapy

The following graphs show areas of significant change reported by couples after 5 couples therapy sessions.

Does therapy work?

Before the first session, our clients identify 3 areas of focus for therapy and report on their progress at each session. Here’s what they report:


report presenting concern is better by session 5


report presenting concern is better by session 10

couples counseling

Clients we served in 2023

The average number of sessions per client was 10.5 in 2023

In 2003, we provided a total of 3006 sessions, 2934 of which were reduced fees, according to the household income and number of people in the home.

What our therapists and clients have to say about Fuller Life.

fuller life gems

Donations that Shine