Want to shine bright for mental health?

Join the Fuller Life GEMs!

Caleb*, a 12-year old grappling with anxiety and slipping in and out of depression

was struggling both in school and at home. His 6 year-old sister, Dara, felt like she was losing her brother. His parents were concerned about him and felt completely overwhelmed. Caleb’s dad had just lost his job and couldn’t afford any of the therapists he had reached out to.

Their search for help led them to Fuller Life Family Therapy Institute, where they found a compassionate therapist who works with children. She provided the guidance Caleb needed at a rate his family could afford. With consistent care, Caleb began to navigate his challenges, finding himself and gaining strength to love life.

Caleb Fuller Life GEMS

Fuller Life GEMS Caleb

He laughed with his friends, which hadn’t happened in months.

He paid attention in school, and his grades went up.

He played with Dara again, as she giggled with delight.

For the second year in a row, Texas tops the list of worst states for mental health care, and Harris County is one of the least funded counties for mental health. But our people deserve better.

thank yo u GEMS!

Our GEMS campaign in the summer of 2024 aimed to gain 25 new Fuller Life GEMS. We had an outpouring of support at the last hour as we not only met but exceeded our goal. Thank you to our new GEMS for your support and belief in our mission!

Join us in transforming lives and communities!

Give Meaningfully for Mental Health by Giving Every Month!

At Fuller Life Family Therapy, our mission is clear: to train, equip, and empower developing therapists who provide professional therapy to families and individuals at affordable rates. We believe everyone should have access to the power of therapy to heal and grow but we can’t do it alone.

In order to meet our mission, we rely upon compassionate individuals, our Fuller Life “GEMs”, who “Give Every Month.”

Would you be willing to make a difference for mental health by giving $25 or more as a Fuller Life GEM?

Together, we can make a difference—one GEM at a time. Join the Fuller Life GEM community today and shine bright with us!

Transforming lives, one GEM at a time

Why join our Fuller Life GEMs?

Hear from some of our amazing Fuller Life GEMS!


How do you join our Fuller Life GEM community?


Sign up on our website as a monthly donor.


Spread the word!

Share this campaign with your friends, family, and colleagues who share our passion for mental health and community empowerment.


Stay Connected!

Follow us on social media for updates, stories, and inspiring testimonials from those whose lives you’re impacting.

We believe all people should have access to quality mental health care and family therapy. Learn more about our fees and sliding scale.

We have 4 locations in Houston, offer telehealth in Texas and Louisiana, and provide flexible hours on evenings and weekends.

learn more

We are more than another counseling agency. We are changing the way therapists are trained.

Our Clinical Outcomes

Clinical outcomes of Couples Therapy

Does therapy work?

Before the first session, our clients identify 3 areas of focus for therapy and report on their progress at each session. Here’s what they report:


report presenting concern is better by session 5


report presenting concern is better by session 10

couples counseling

Clients we served in 2023

The average number of sessions per client was 10.5 in 2023

We provided a total of 3006 sessions, 2934 of which were reduced fees, according to the household income and number of people in the home.

What our therapists and clients have to say about Fuller Life.

fuller life gems

Donations that Shine