Before the first session

contact us fuller life

1. Contact

The first step is to reach out to us. You can click the green contact us button to complete our secure inquiry form.  A therapist will follow up with you within 2 business days. For faster scheduling please call 855-245-5433.

2. Connect

Talk to one of our team members about your interest in therapy by phone. We’ll discuss the best options and answer any questions you may have. 

After an appointment is set, you will receive an email with confirmation and instructions on what to complete prior to the initial appointment.

3. Complete the initial session form and initial surveys

Once you have scheduled, you will receive an email with a link to the forms to complete via our client portal. From here you can set your own password, complete the initial session form, consent to treatment and financial agreement.

Each person attending therapy needs to complete the confidential initial session form. If minors are attending, please complete one form for each child or adolescent. If you have any difficulty or do not receive the email please notify your therapist by calling 855-245-5433 or email [email protected].

Why we use Feedback Informed Treatment

In order to provide the best services possible, we track progress over the course of therapy using routine outcome measures, also called feedback informed treatment.  Research has shown that using tools to track client progress in therapy doubles the likelihood of effective therapy and a meaningful outcome.

The initial set of assessments may take between 20 to 30 minutes to complete, so please allow enough time to complete prior to the initial appointment. You will receive the link to the initial survey set in the initial email with a link to the portal documents.

Prior to each session you will be asked to complete a brief survey set before the session. The survey link will be sent by email, SMS or both, according to your preference.  Every 5th session we will ask you to complete a re-assessment of some of the initial surveys to measure your progress over time.  If you ever have questions about our new Routine Outcome Measures process or would like to discuss the results, please discuss with your therapist.


Please read over privacy practices, social media, and communication policies at your convenience in our information for new clients. Privacy practices are also posted in our offices to make it easy for our clients to access at any time.

5. Come in

We are excited to join in your journey of addressing the things that seem overwhelming and journeying alongside you toward healing. .