“We train, equip and empower developing therapists who provide professional therapy to families and individuals at affordable rates.”


We approach our individual therapycouples counseling and family therapy with compassion, kindness, and respect. We are non-judgmental, accepting, and compassionate in our words, actions, and thoughts.

While holding a respectful stance, we reflect back to the client what we observe. The coupling of honesty with respect assists the client to grow in deeper relationships with themselves and their loved ones.


Our vision is to grow organically as a richly layered and vital community of skilled therapists. 


We value a team approach in therapy, as well as in our relationships with each other. Fuller Life was created to offer a team approach in helping clients heal and helping each other grow in our therapy skills at the same time.

We have weekly staff meetings where we learn from each other and explore new and creative collaborative possibilities. We all have different gifts and varying levels of experience, and we all continue to grow as we share and learn.

Group therapy


We approach clients with a “collaborative approach” in our individual therapycouple’s counseling and family counseling.  Pairing the clients desire to resolve and address the presenting concern with our therapists unique skill set means generating new ideas and solutions.  We work together as professionals to find new hope and possibilities for living a life more full of love, relationship, and joy no matter the circumstance. 

Our commitment to cooperative collaboration, alongside our reliance on spiritual enlightenment, is key to everything we do.


Cultural Diversity

Our therapists are culturally sensitive, ethical, and systemically oriented. We meet diverse clients—individuals, couples, teens, kids, and families—without judgment, considering complex societal dynamics like gender, race, ethnicity, class, sexual orientation, gender identity, and ability. Incorporating social and relational contexts into therapy deepens our ability to provide compassionate and effective care to a wide range of people.

We are anti-racist and opposed to discrimination in all its forms. We believe in the inherent worth of every individual and create a welcoming, affirming space for all identities. Our practice is inclusive and sex-positive, viewing sexuality as an essential part of each person and respecting each client’s unique history and complexity. We walk alongside our clients as they discern the best path forward, offering a non-judgmental and non-discriminatory space.  We foster diversity, equality, and respect, helping individuals navigate their paths to empowerment, authenticity, and fulfillment.

We are committed to continually examining and exploring how our personal biases, privileges, and experiences may impact our clients. In group consultation, we regularly engage in conversations that challenge us to adopt more ethical approaches, ensuring the highest integrity in clinical treatment.


The relationship between therapist and client is a catalyst for transformation. We trust that our clients have within them what they need to affect great change in their lives, and the world, and that therapy is a process of uncovering and actualizing this potential.

We believe all people are capable of creating change in their current situation with the right support. Growth is always possible.

We know we have grown when we react differently to the same old situation. We can help you change, whether that means embracing a new perspective, developing a new habit, incorporating a new way of communicating, or healing from a very traumatic experience. In order to achieve change, we must address difficult issues to find new hope for the journey. We will walk the dark road with you.



We take the confidentiality of our patients seriously. Whatever is said in this sacred space stays in this sacred space. While we discuss cases with the other therapy professionals associated with the group, we do so only for the purpose of providing the best care possible in order to enhance professional development. The limits to confidentiality apply when there are valid concerns about harm to the client, others, or children.


The witty, wise playwright George Bernard Shaw said, “Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” We are creative beings. We write the story of our lives by the words, actions, and thoughts we create and the way we interpret experiences. Thinking outside the box using the imagination can be a turning point when we feel stuck.

As therapists, we seek to be creative, imaginative, and sometimes even playful, to help our clients find solutions, new hope, and ultimately healing.

art bulb


The Fuller Life Family Therapy Institute is a not-for-profit charitable organization with pending 501(c)(3) status with the IRS. Contributions are tax-deductible. We are grateful to the various individuals, churches, and organizations that partner with us in our dream of serving the counseling needs ofindividuals, children, and families in the Houston area regardless of their ability to pay.


Our clinical community is founded on the belief in the healing potential of the therapeutic relationship and the importance of providing a calm, sacred, and contained space for our clients. It is nurtured by our support of each other and our dedication to continued training, supervision, and peer interaction. Clinical focus is based on contemporary, relational, solution-oriented systemic models of psychotherapy.

Therapists have a person-centered and holistic approach as we listen to and tend to the hearts, minds, bodies, and souls of our clients. In counseling we walk with clients through defense structures and into self-expression with the aim of relieving and healing suffering. Many of us no longer need the walls we built previously to protect ourselves, but would never risk taking them down alone.

Fuller Life Green Therapy Room
Fuller Life Purple Therapy Room
Fuller Life Blue Therapy Room
Fuller LIfe Main Lobby


We have been intentional about creating a space we think is warm and welcoming for our individual counselingmarriage counseling and family counseling. A place of healing and comfort. The building is quiet, the rooms are inviting, and the music is relaxing. We also make efforts to be informal. We ask to be called by our first names instead of our formal professional titles. Sometimes we take off our shoes and put our feet on the couch during sessions.

Christian Based

We believe spirituality is a great resource for many people and seek to stay aware of the healing process from a spiritual point of view. We always work from the client’s worldview instead of our own.  We seek to approach all people with kindness and non-judgement welcoming the client’s spirituality as a resource when appropriate.

The current staff at Fuller Life all embrace a Christian worldview and our resident therapists commit to an intense post-graduate fellowship integrating personal faith with the professional practice of therapy.  As a part of our group training, we work together to harness both the grace and strength of our personal values and beliefs to sustain our purpose of inviting healing for others. We frequently incorporate theological concepts into our training and supervision times including a centering or devotional thought or prayer. 

If the client self-identifies as a Christian and would like to have this be an aspect of the counseling, our therapists will integrate Christian principles into the conversation. If you would like therapy to include spirituality, please indicate on the intake form.

Clinician Development

Fuller Life Family Therapy seeks to fill a gap in the training of professional counselors and marriage and family therapists with a post-graduate fellowship for graduates of masters level marriage and family therapy and counseling programs. 

The foundational goals of our post-graduate fellowship include developing the following: excellent clinical skills, professional confidence, ethical practice, diversity and cultural competence, assessment skills, research opportunities, administrative management, and experience as teacher, consultant, writer, speaker and trainer. Additionally, each associate will develop several key areas of specialization during the fellowship of their choosing.

Fuller Life Team Annual Retreat 2017

The training at Fuller Life has both a relational and systemic focus. As a marriage and family therapist, all training is relational, related to context, and culturally sensitive, whether contact hours are relational or individual, whether diagnostic procedure is traditional or relational, and whether a presenting problem is explicitly related to a marriage, a family, or to neither.  The fellowship focuses on fostering a solid framework for the associate based upon a comprehensive and substantive understanding and foundation of human development, family dynamics, systemic thinking, interactional theories, traditional and contemporary marriage and family therapy theories, research, and the cultural context in which they are embedded.

At Fuller Life, we live out our mission through our core values of compassionate care, collaborative teamwork, charity, engaging the clinical community, cooperating with client goals, creative and change-oriented interventions that are culturally sensitive and respect client confidentiality, all in a comfortable environment that seeks high standards for clinician development and honors our Christian values.