Achieve Optimum Health in 2014 | HFM | Houston Family Magazine

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Optimum health, which flourishes by nurturing every aspect of self, yields benefits not only for the individual, but also for society, as well as for the environment. It’s time we start establishing goals for achieving this kind of health, just as we create goals for developing and maintaining our personal wealth. Rather than focusing on  money and property, we could work to possess mental, emotional, physical, social and spiritual well-being.

It may sound overwhelming, but optimum health is an attainable goal, if you take small steps.  We asked friends of Houston Family Magazine and experts in their respective fields to suggest things our readers could do in 2014 to change, improve or enhance their minds, bodies and souls.    Pick and choose one or more idea from each category, put them on the calendar, and see them through. You’ll be well on your way to optimum health in the New Year!


Dr. Amy Fuller‘s insight:

Houston experts give tips for Achieving optimum health in 2014 including yours truly!

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Amy Fuller PhD

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