Picture This! How to Get What You Dream

Vision boards can be helpful for people who are looking to discover, clarify or focus on their future goals. Creating a visual representation of things you want to achieve, and setting it before you, helps you create a habit of daily focus.

Such daily focus can inspire, encourage, and remind you to take regular steps towards your success. An earlier blog described the problem-solving benefits of creating a collage. The same principle applies to creating vision boards to clarify future goals.

Steps to a Brighter Future

  1. Gather supplies: Magazines, scissors, glue, poster board and markers. Additional supplies like paint, scrapbook materials, glitter, etc. are optional, but add pizzazz.
  1. Spend a little time meditating, praying or journaling about the direction of your life or the particular area for which you are setting goals. Your vision may include career goals, business ventures, hopes for family and relationships, spirituality or travel. Open yourself up to huge possibilities while being realistic. Set a reasonable number of goals, preferably no more than 5, that are workable and achievable. Be specific. Instead of thinking, “I want to be more charitable,” think about what being charitable looks like. What causes are important to you? How will you give your time and other resources? Goals can be long-term or short-term. You may consider creating such a board in place of annual resolutions.
  1. Next, start skimming through magazines and clippings. Pull out images that speak to you and connect with your vision. You can be symbolic or literal here, whatever helps you visualize the dreams and goals seeking. If you’re spiritual, you can ask for direction. As you pull the images out, start arranging them or just set them aside until you feel that you have found all the ones you need.
  1. Now assemble the images on your board. If you are representing several areas of goals, you may want to divide the board into different sections and label each (i.e. Spiritual Growth, Family, Finances, etc.). When you’ve settled on the design and arrangement, glue them down. Add labels, paint, glitter – or just keep it simple. It’s YOUR vision board. Make it a reflection of you.

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Make it Work

Creating the vision board is just the FIRST step. The key is to place this visible reminder in an area where you will see it daily. Consider taking a picture of the vision board and using it as a screensaver on your computer or mobile devices. But don’t just look at it.

It is not enough to simply look at what you create and lose yourself in the daydream about someday. Invest yourself in the vision you set before you by making a step towards it daily. If you’re looking to take more family vacations, let the vision board remind you to research and plan for the next trip. If your vision is to make a career change, see your vision board as a reminder to sign up for college courses or motivate you to send out your resume every day. After you create the vision board, work the vision!

To keep yourself motivated as you achieve goals, you can even use the vision board as a checklist. Place check marks, stick pins or cross out met goals. Add quotes, scriptures or words of affirmation to help encourage you on the journey.

Would you like someone to help you work towards finding direction and focus for your life? Contact one of our Resident Therapists at Fuller Life Family Therapy Institute.

Shani Bell Headshot Fuller Life

Shani Bell, MAAT, LPC-Intern

Supervised by Dr. Amy Fuller, PhD, LMFT-S, LPC-S and Dr. Sheryl Corbit, EdD, ATR-BC, LPC-AT/S

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Shani Bell

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